
Anyone eligible to receive EU financial assistance under the Common Agricultural Policy will receive relative payments directly in his/her bank account. No other means of payment are allowed. Therefore, when one submits an application for such EU funds, s/he must also provide bank details.

What you'll get

After the applicant has submitted his/her application for financial assistance, and the request is confirmed as being eligible for EU funding under the Common Agricultural Policy, s/he will receive a payment in the bank account provided on the Financial Identification Form.


May be used by applicants whose bank account is held with a non-Maltese financial institution. Applicants must provide details of a bank account that is held in their name. Joint accounts are acceptable only in the case of married couples or couples who have entered into a civil union.

How to apply

Fill in the online form, print it and send to:

Front Office of the Agriculture and Rural Payments Agency at:

Ta’ Qali

or the Agency’s Office at:

Mġarr Street
Xewkija, Gozo

Or via email on: [email protected]
