
The Tuberculosis Assistance is awarded to a claimant who suffers from Tuberculosis or Koch’s disease, or to a family member who is living within the household and who suffers from one of these diseases.

What you'll get

If claimant fulfils the eligibility criteria for this assistance, payments will commence from the 1st Saturday following the application date. The Tuberculosis Assistance is paid up till the end of the treatment as established by the Tuberculosis Specialist.


The Tuberculosis Assistance is paid every four (4) weeks in advance.


Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Rates.


The claimant or a family member who is living within the same household and who suffers from Tuberculosis or Koch’s disease.


This assistance is not means tested, hence a person who is in employment may apply.

Necessary Documents


  • Medical Doctor’s Report – Click here to download this document which is to be signed and rubber-stamped by a medical doctor.

How to apply

When an application is received by the Department of Social Security, it is referred to the Specialist at the Tuberculosis Clinic of the Health Department for confirmation of the Tuberculosis or Koch’s disease and to obtain the date of commencement / termination of treatment.


The Health Department determines whether the patient may be required to attend for X-Rays.


Fill in and submit the application online.
