
In a few easy steps, our contributory widow/er’s pension calculator can give you an estimate of the pension entitlement you'll get in the event of widowhood as at today. This online calculator is only intended as an approximate indication of your widow/er’s pension benefit.

What you'll get

This is not an official estimate and there is no guarantee that you will receive these amounts especially in the case of two surviving spouses. This may be the case where there are two surviving spouses in view of the legal amendments to the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) to cater for the Divorce Act enacted in 2011. This scenario is not catered for by this calculator and therefore the accuracy of the benefit projection will depend on how closely the data you enter matches your actual data in the future.


The general public.

How to apply

Enter a minimum set of pre-requisite information as a basis for an as accurate as possible determination of your potential pension.