
The Gaming Authority (GA) considers that the Cruise Casino Regulations (S.L. 400.03) issued under the Gaming Act (Cap 400 of the Laws of Malta) empower the GA to request a cruise ship with an on-board casino wanting to obtain a certificate of approval to operate its casino while within Maltese territory.

What you'll get

The Authority shall issue approval solely for the duration of the call. Subsequent calls require application for a renewal of the approval. Once an approval is issued, the cruise casino can be operated within Maltese territorial waters. Notably, only registered passengers over 18 years of age may be allowed to play in the casino, and the casino can only be operated between 18.00 and 6.00 of the following day. Cruise casinos can only be operated on a temporary and occasional basis.


Cruise ships which satisfy the Gaming Authority’s definition of a ‘Casino Cruise’ can apply to obtain an approval to operate their on-board casino within Maltese territorial waters, as regulated under Maltese Law.

How to apply

Print and fill in the form and send to: 
Malta Gaming Authority
Building SMC02-03
Level 4 
Smart City Malta
Ricasoli SCM1001

Together with any supporting documentation; namely a description of the cruise ship’s itinerary and the relative fee, unless the applicant is exempt from paying such fee in terms of the applicable Regulations.

Applications must be made at least 60 days prior to the date of the cruise ship’s call in Malta, although the Authority may consider late applications if there is a justifiable reason.