
The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) considers that the Gaming Authorizations Regulations (Chapter 583.05 of the Laws of Malta) empowers the MGA to request any person wanting to obtain a gaming licence to operate or promote or sell or abet gaming in and from Malta to fill in this form.

What you'll get

Applicants may apply for any of these licences:
i) Gaming Service licence
ii) Critical Gaming Supply licence
On successful completion of the gaming application process, the applicant, would be granted a 5 year licence.


To qualify for a licence, an applicant must be an EU/EEA company, and would need to pass a fit and proper exercise in order to be eligible for a licence.

Having received the application with the accompanying documents, the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) analyses all information through multiple internal process streams so as to ensure timely processing. The probity checks on whether the applicant and associated persons are fit and proper, together with a review of the applicant’s business plan and a review of its statutory and operational documentation are carried out simultaneously. Once all the above mentioned analyses are successfully completed, the MGA informs the applicant that the application was successful and will invite the applicant to implement the plan onto a technical environment in preparation for going live. Consequently, a Systems Audit will be carried out, which will audit the testing environment against the proposed application. After the Systems Audit is conducted and the testing environment is found to be congruent with the proposed application and satisfactorily meets the MGA’s criteria, the licence is issued.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.