
The employment of minors is a very sensitive issue concerning the child’s education and health and safety. The Law provides certain criteria that must be met prior to issuing a permit for the employment of minors.

Minors who have not yet completed compulsory schooling need a school exemption for work purposes. This mostly applies for students who are in Form 4 and who have an opportunity to work during summer or after school hours, or fifth Formers who want to work after school hours.

What you'll get

A school exemption to work prior to reaching 16 years of age.


Minors who are 15 years old. 

Their employer should be in conformity with the legal obligations listed hereafter:

- Manpower Records (Commencement or termination of employment) Regulations - S.L 343.23.
- Young Persons (Employment) Regulations – S.L 452.92.
- Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act - Chapter 424.
- Social Security Act - Chapter 318.

How to apply

Fill in the online form, print and sign it.

The parents/legal guardians are to fill and sign Section A. In the absence of a School Leaving Certificate and Profile, the Head of School is to sign and stamp form where indicated in Section A.

The Employer is to fill in Section B.

One of the parents/legal guardians is to present the filled in form at the School or the Social Work Service, National Student Services with the following documents:

i. Photocopies of ID Cards of both parents / legal guardians.

ii. Photocopy of minor's ID Card or copy of the birth certificate if the minor is not a Maltese citizen.

iii. Where applicable the Court Decree that indicates who has care and custody of the minor.

This form cannot be submitted online due to the requirement of an original signature. Only applications on behalf of students who are 15 years old are to be submitted.
