
This form enables Food Business Operators that require an approval under Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 to start the process of approval for their establishment.

What you'll get

Food Business Operators (FBOs) will, if found compliant with the relevant legislation, obtain an approval number unique to their establishment and activity, which will enable them to place their product on the EU market (including Malta).


Food Business Operators (FBO) that require approval under Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004.

For example, FBOs that intend to set up, operate, manage, or run:

- red & white meat slaughterhouses;
- cutting establishments;
- mince meat; red and white meat preperations;
- red and white meat products;
- milk and dairy products;
- cold stores;
- fishery products;
- factory vessels; and
- other similar establishments.

With the purpose of placing these products on the market by supplying retail and/or catering establishments (supermarkets, shops, restaurants, etc.)

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.