Account holders who install photovoltaic equipment or who already have a photovoltaic installation and need to change the parameters of the installation, principally adding more panels. Enemalta plc needs to be informed through this application before such an installation is commissioned.
What You'll Get
The customer will benefit from Feed-In-Tariffs as authorised and in place by the Regulator for Energy and Water Services. Client will receive a bill every 6 months based on actual readings only, and eventually an actual bill every 2 months once the locality is converted to automatic smart meter billing. Accounts on a Feed-In-Tariff scheme are refunded on actual readings only.
The client will also have the facility of automatic refund to a bank of his choice should the account be in credit, with the credit originating from the Feed-In-Tariff.
All account holders who have photovoltaic equipment installed in the premises with the necessary approval from the Malta Resources Authority.
Application Requirements
Fill in the online form and submit.