
The Blue Badge is a legal document that allow holders to park in reserved parking bays. This document is issued by Aġenzija Sapport to eligible applicants. One may also apply on behalf of another person to facilitate submission.

What you'll get

Persons in possession of the Blue Badge are entitled to have the vehicle in which they are travelling, parked in public places reserved for persons with disability with the Blue Badge prominently placed against the windscreen. Parking arrangements are the same for Blue Badge holders throughout all of the EU Member States. The Blue Badge is also recognised and can be used in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, UK, and USA.


  • Persons who are entitled to the European Disability Card issued by the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and have severe and permanent or temporary mobility impairment.
  • Persons with a permanent visual impairment, not exceeding 6/60 in the better eye, or who have a visual limitation preventing them from seeing from an angle of at least 20 degrees (tunnel vision) and who use a motor vehicle on a regular basis.
  • Persons who have a severe permanent impairment who drive a car regularly.
  • Persons who have permanent and severe physical impairment which prevents them from walking or who do so with great difficulty or for those whom any effort at walking would be detrimental to their lives on account to their impairment and who makes use of a motor vehicle on a regular basis.
  • Persons with a severe mental impairment or who exhibit severe challenging behaviour and who require frequent assistance and/or supervision during the day and night and who use of a motor vehicle on a regular basis.

How to apply

  • A recent coloured  passport photo (40 mm x 30 mm). Required only if you are not applying with your own e-ID credentials.
  • Signature of the applicant with blue ink on white paper to be attached within the indicated section in the application. The signature will be printed on the Blue Badge document if the applicant is eligible. 
  • A Medical Certificate filled by the doctor of person with disability. Click here to download the Medical Certificate document to be filled in.
  • Declaration of consent to be filled up by the applicant. Click here to download the Declaration of Consent to be filled in and attached within your application.

A non-refundable administrative fee of €11.50 applies when you are applying for the first time (New Application).
