
The SIS Scheme is designed to assist applicants looking for funding on small projects that can make a real difference to their local communities.

What you'll get

A grant of between €1,000 and €4,000.


Projects that fall under 5 priorities –

  1. Volunteering
  2. Poverty and Social Inclusion
  3. Education
  4. Arts, Culture and Sports
  5. Research


  • The grant should be not less than €1,000 and not more than €4,000.
  • The Project to be initiated not earlier than the 1st of February of 2024.
  • The Project must be completed in 12 consecutive months.
  • The Project must contain all information required at the point of application (including annexes).
  • The proposal must not be a continuation, a repetition or an extension of an existing project or a past project.
  • The project cannot be a one-off standalone event/activity such as concerts, exhibition and/ or other similar events.

How to apply

Applications are currently closed. 
