
The reporting form will be an enhanced and easy to use online tool accessible to anyone on the Housing Authority website, to report an irregularity for any government leased property, Nikru biex Nassistu (10-year lease properties) and for private property market leases. 

What you'll get

The main objective of this new online tool is to encourage the public to report irregularities, via a simple but effective method.  The document will guide the public on what can be reported via a drop-down list of possible reportable issues.


The form will be accessible to the ġeneral public via the Housing authority website, under a specified link.  Personal information must be entered before submitting the form.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.

Documents Required

The person submitting the form will be required to provide his name and surname, Identity card number, contact number and contact e-mail.  Another field, will be available to attach any relevant photos/information.
