
This form is to be submitted by persons requesting to be accredited as mediators and who are duly qualified.

What you'll get

Accreditation to act as mediator under the provisions of the Mediation Act 2004, Cap. 474 and in compliance with Directive 2013/55/EU.


Persons holding a Master of Arts in Mediation.
Upon the submission of a complete application, the Board of Governors reserves the right to accredit or otherwise refuse such application within three months.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit. When an applicant is notified by the Malta Mediation Centre of his/her approval, a registration fee of €50 is required by a direct bank transfer to the following Bank of Valletta plc account number:
 IBAN: MT53VALL22013000000040014783700  BIC: VALLMTMT