
In terms of the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (Cap. 399), an individual licence is required for the installation or use of equipment on vessels which do not fall under the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention such as pleasure yachts/fishing vessels, unless the equipment is licence exempt or is regulated by a general authorisation. Non-compliance with this requirement is a breach of the said Act. A ship station licence is an international document, which shall be kept current at all times, and any discrepancies in the document will render the licence invalid. The original ship station licence should be kept on board the ship at all times and be available for viewing by appropriate authorities if required.

What you'll get

Individual ship station licence for non-SOLAS ships.


All those non-SOLAS vessels that are fitted with an MF/HF (Medium Frequency/High Frequency) radio telephone equipment.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit together with:

i) Processing fee.
ii) Radio Survey report.
iii) Emergency Position Indicating Radio-Beacon (EPIRB) Test Report (if applicable).
iv) Notification from an approved Point of Service application (if applicable).