
Evidence that the applicant is medically fit to serve on a commercial vessel.

What you'll get

A medical fitness certificate, is one of the requirements for a Notice of Eligibility or to revalidate the Certificate of Competency.


A General Practitioner (GP), must fill in Part B of the Medical Report.

Medical certificates are valid for 5 years however the Medical Practitioner may prescribe a lesser period of validity.

Persons who are 61 years and over are required to undergo a Medical Fitness examination annually. The medical Fitness Certificate is required for those persons who apply for a Notice of Eligibility and Relative Certificate of Competency or for revalidation of said Certificate.

How to apply

Print and fill in the form.

To be submitted with an application for a Notice of eligibility (PYD 208) and to revalidate a Certificate of competence (PYD 213) to:

Commercial Vessels Department
Ports and Yachting Directorate
Authority for Transport in Malta
Triq Pantar
Lija LJA 2021