
A company or an individual wanting to obtain or transfer a Water Sports operating licence.

What you'll get

Water Sports operator’s licence, in order to hire or reward a vessel within the territorial waters and internal waters of Malta.


One must be at least 18 years of age, be a Maltese citizen or Citizen of an EU member state, and hold a permanent address in Malta.

How to apply

Print and fill in the form and send to:

Ports and Yachting Directorate
Triq Pantar
Lija LJA 2021

In cases where applicant is an individual the following documents must be submitted:
i) A copy of the ID Card (front and back).
ii) Police conduct.

In the event that the operator is a Company the following documents must be submitted:
i) A copy of the ID Card (front and back) of the authorised person representing such company.
ii) A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Applicants are also required to present a list of craft together with the intended operation of each craft. All craft to be listed under such licence must be in possession of valid Commercial Vessel Certificates issued from the Authority.

Permits, licences and/or no objection letters may be required from other government agencies, other entities or third parties such as;
a) Encroachment Permit and/or No Objection Letter from the Lands Department (Commissioner of Lands) in instances where craft to be operated are placed for hire on public land.
b) No objection letter from the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) in instances where craft to be operated are placed for hire on sandy beaches or in any other prime areas managed by MTA.
c) No objection letter from the owner of private property or hotel in instances where craft to be operated are placed on private property including private concessions of hotels.
d) Identification of a craft preferably an engine-powered craft to be used in cases of emergency of life-saving (where applicable).
e) A list of instructors/operators together with relative instructor’s licence according to the number of sea craft being operated.