
The Access to Employment Scheme 2021 - 2027 will provide employment aid to employers in Malta and Gozo to encourage the recruitment of the more challenged amongst job seekers, unemployed and inactive. The scheme will be:  

• Enhancing opportunities to access the labour market and providing work experience to those furthest away from gainful occupation.  

• Bridging the gap between labour market supply and demand.  

• Increasing social cohesion.


What you'll get

Employers applying for the A2E Scheme whose application is found eligible will receive a subsidy of €110.93 (full-time) / €55.47 (part-time) per week per new recruit engaged, for a period of 52 weeks or 104 weeks, depending on the target group. 


In the case of registered disabled persons, a subsidy of €166.40 (full-time) / €83.20 (part-time) per week for a maximum of 156 weeks is provided. 


For more information refer to the A2E Guidance Notes found on the Jobsplus Website. Click here.


Employers including partnerships, companies, family businesses, associations, individual self-employed or other body of persons, as well as NGOs and Social Partners (whether these carry out an economic activity or otherwise) are eligible for the A2E Scheme 2021 - 2027, when recruiting a disadvantage person which fall under the participant eligibility criteria.

How to apply

To apply for the A2E Scheme 2021-2027 the employer needs to fill and submit the A2E Application form online. Click here  


Complete application with supporting documentation (if applicable) must be received by the A2E Unit either pre-employment or within one month from the date of engagement of the newly engaged employee. Applications submitted and not respecting this timeframe will not be considered eligible.


Documents required


The A2E Application Form. Click here  


For any other supporting documentation please refer to the Documentation Checklists: 


• Entity Documentation Checklist click here  

• Prospective Participant / Employee Documentation Checklist click here
