
he Access to Employment 2021 - 2027 Scheme will provide employment aid to employers in Malta and Gozo to encourage the recruitment of the more challenged amongst job seekers, unemployed and inactive. The scheme will be:  

• Enhancing opportunities to access the labour market and providing work experience to those furthest away from gainful occupation.  

• Bridging the gap between labour market supply and demand.  

• Increasing social cohesion. 

What you'll get

For Target Groups 1 to 7 entities will be entitled for: 

  • €186.00 per week (full-time) every 13 or 26 weeks for 52 or 104 weeks.  

  • €93.00 per week (part- time) every 13 or 26 weeks for 52 or 104 weeks. 


For Target Group 8 entities will be entitled for: 

  • €278.00 per week (full- time) every 13 or 26 weeks for 156 weeks 

  • €139.00 per week (part- time) every 13 or 26 weeks for 156 weeks. 


Entities who were found eligible for the A2E Scheme 

How to apply

The employer is requested to send the Claim for Reimbursement form by email to [email protected]  


Documents required 


Claim for Reimbursement Form - This is provided by the A2E Unit once payment is due.

Claim for Reimbursement Form (Interim Payment) - Click here
Claim for Reimbursement Form (Final Payment) - Click here
Financial Identification Form- Applicable only if there
was a change in bank details. Click here
Common Immediate Indicator Form - This form is provided by the A2E Unit and is requested with final payments only.