
'An employer shall ensure the presence at all times of such a number of first aiders as is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for rendering first aid to his employees if they are injured or become ill at work.'

Reg.5. (1) L.N. 11, 2002. Extract: Work Place (First Aid) Regulations, 2002 - ( Act XXVII, 2000 – Cap 424).

What you'll get

Dealing with emergency situations

i) Know the limits of basic first aid.
ii) Familiarise themselves with First Aid Regulations of 2002.
iii) Be aware of the duties of the employer as to First Aid.

Course duration: 18 hours.


All employers, workers and self-employed.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.

The appropriate payment of €70 should be forwarded and made payable to:

Awtorità Saħħa Sigurtà Post tax-Xogħol
17, Triq Edgar Ferro
Pietà PTA 1534