
It shall be the duty of every employer and of every self-employed person to carry out, or to ensure that is carried out, a suitable, sufficient and systematic assessment of all the occupational health and safety hazards which may be present at the place of work and the resultant risks involved concerning all aspects of the work activity. Such assessments shall consider the risks to the health and safety of workers and of self-employed persons to which they are exposed whilst at work, as well as the risks to the health and safety of other persons, including visitors to the place of work, which risks arise out of, or in connection with the work being carried out, or by the conduct of the undertaking.'

What you'll get

To help employers and self-employed, as duty-holders, and other persons interested in the subject area, to assess risks and implement a safe and healthy environment at the workplace.

Course duration: 16 hours.


Employees and self-employed persons who are exposed to the risks to the health and safety of other persons, including visitors to the place of work.

How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.

The appropriate payment of €110 should be forwarded and made payable to:

Awtorità Saħħa Sigurtà Post tax-Xogħol
17, Triq Edgar Ferro
Pietà PTA 1533