
The Empowerment Scheme aim to provide financial assistance to persons with disability enabling them to purchase equipment and which would also allow them to lead a more independent life within their own home and locality. The Scheme is run by an independent Board which includes a number of professionals, who meet once a month to assess and evaluate all applications received during that period.

What you'll get

Review from a Board specifically appointed by Aġenzija Sapport according to the individual needs. The Empowerment Scheme offers subsidy of the total cost of the equipment (excl. VAT). The Scheme also offers subsidy on individualised transport services to persons with disability who would need to go to work, to a post-secondary education institution, or attend sports training whereby the applicant is enrolled under a registered Sports Club/Organisation. Such subsidy is given to persons with disability who are not able to make use of the Public Transport.


  • Persons with disability requiring the necessary equipment to help them lead an independent life.
    Applicants must reside/live in Malta.
  • Applicants must present a copy of their EU Disability Card (Special Identity Card) with the application.  Applications will not be accepted if a copy is not presented.
  • If the purchased equipment exceeds the one-year period from the date of the submission of the application, then such application will be refused immediately and applicant is informed accordingly. The applicant will be informed by telephone and in writing. All documents provided will be returned to the applicant along with the Refusal Letter.
  • Applicants can purchase the equipment, after consulting with their therapist, prior to submitting application, but the Board reserves the right to not approve the application for funding.
  • Medical equipment and mainstream devices (such as mobile phones/computers/laptops/tablets) are not covered by this scheme.
  • Applications submitted to Aġenzija Sapport after the applicant has passed away will not be accepted.
  • Applications for subsidies of less than €400 will not be considered and may be referred to other entities. Furthermore, each item purchased, even when combining items together, should not be less than €100 per item.
  • Applications for basic equipment related to accommodation and which are coming from residents of hospitals or government nursing homes, will not be considered.
  • From time to time, the Board may issue other conditions according to the need.
  • Also, the Board reserves the right to vary the amount of subsidy given from time to time as is required by this scheme.  Furthermore, the Board maintains the prerogative not to approve the application as may be the case.


How to apply

Fill in the online form and submit.

Required documentation

  • Those who would apply for a particular equipment need to present a report filled in by a professional, such as Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, or Audiologist, in case of application for hearing aids. This would need to be presented to the Board together with an application and quotation/s.
  • When the Approval Letter issued by the Empowerment Board is received, one must send a copy of the original fiscal receipt together with a copy of the letter to Aġenzija Sapport, in order to issue payment.