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Tax and Finance
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One stop shops
in local communities
Tax and Finance
Property developed within traditional features scheme
A scheme re transfer of property which will be developed with include traditional Maltese features
Application for Grant on Funeral Expenses
Grant on expenses connected with a funeral.
Application for Grant on the Purchase of a Musical Instrument
A once-only grant on the purchase of a musical instrument.
Application for Grant Paid on Expenses connected with a Priesthood Ordination
Grant paid on expenses connected with a Priesthood Ordination.
Application for Grant Paid on Expenses Connected with a Wedding Function
Grant paid on expenses connected with a wedding function.
Application for Pro-Rata Social Security Contributions (SSC) Class II Rate
B'din il-formola nisa li jimpjegaw lilhom infushom fuq bażi
, studenti
u pensjonanti li jimpjegaw lilhom infushom fuq bażi
jistgħu japplikaw ghal rata ridotta tal-Kontribuzzjoni tas-Sigurtà Soċjali (Klassi II).
Application for Reduced Social Security Contributions (SSC) for Full-Time Farmers and Breeders
Through this form, full-time farmers and breeders can apply for a reduced rate for Social Security Contributions (Class II).
Aquisition of Immovable Property
Third Country Nationals require an AIP permit to acquire a property in Malta
Change Employment Basis
This form should be filled by persons who want to change the employment status from part-time to full-time and vice versa.
Change of Address
This form should be filled by persons who changed their business/mailing address or both, in order to change the VAT certificate registration number.