In order to assist couples who, get married or enter into a civil union the Ministry for Finance and Employment has issued a scheme, whereby eligible applicants may apply for a grant on the expenditure incurred on the supply of goods and services relating to their wedding/civil union ceremony as listed in the ‘First Schedule’ attached to the Government notice, which function is performed in Malta.
- Click here for a copy of the scheme.
- Click here for the Application Form.
Please note that COVID-19-related support for this scheme has been discontinued from 7th December 2023.
- Click here for a copy of the Amendment Notice for the Wedding/ Civil Union Grant.
The scheme Refund Grant on the Deposit Paid for Postponement or Adaptation of Weddings/Civil Union Ceremonies has been terminated on 7th December 2023.
- Click here for a copy of the Termination Notice for the Refund Grant on the Deposit Paid for Postponement or Adaptation of Weddings/Civil Union Ceremonies.
For any queries and assistance please call 153.