
The Human Resources Department, which focuses on people management and employee well-being, leads the Agency’s efforts to recruit, develop and maintain a workforce that meets the needs of a dynamic organisation. Our goal is to help strengthen individual and organisational performance through updated HR policies and practices.

Aġenzija Sapport is an equal opportunities employer and strives to recruit employees who have the right knowledge, skills and attitudes for the various job opportunities that arise within the Agency. Opportunities to progress in your career are available to the right candidates.

What you'll get

Opportunities to progress in your career are available to the right candidates.


Qualifications and experience claimed must be supported by certificates and/or testimonials. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification/s are to produce with their application, a recognition statement on comparability of qualifications issued by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education Malta (NCFHE). Each call is issued with particular eligibility criteria.

How to apply

Fill in the online application and submit with the required documents by the specific deadline set for each call.

Documentation Required

Apart from being in possession of necessary qualifications and/or experience, interested individuals are to submit the following documents by the closing date:

  • Application Form (which can be downloaded from Aġenzija Sapport’s website);

  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae;

  • Copies of the pertinent qualifications;

  • One (1) Reference Letter;

  • Certificate of Police Conduct collected in the last three (3) months prior to applying for this vacancy;

  • Proof of work experience, either through a Job History Sheet collected from Jobsplus, or through a formal reference letter.


Data submitted by applicants will be processed in line with Data Protection legislation and with Aġenzija Sapport Policy related to data protection.
